Focus 3

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Focus 3

RI as catalysers of collaborations and networks

In this work package we propose to analyse the causal links between RIs and research projects through the lens of innovation and research networks. Research infrastructures are more and more expected to generate new knowledge by boosting collaborations between researchers. Thus they have to be conceptualized and evaluated in a framework of open innovation and research, where innovators cannot operate alone but have to use inside-out and outside-in technology transfers (for instance through spin off and respectively licensing-in policies), as well as co-creation processes (for instance through collaborations and research joint ventures).

The aim of this work package is to explore and characterize the networks of research collaborations created around RI in order to:

-    Provide a better understanding and appropriate indicators of the different kinds of network effects, as derived from the adaptation of the BETA approach.
-    Explore the relationship between RI success (or effectiveness) and the networks created around them, in particular identifying and analysing the conditions under which RIs may foster networks and/ or operate as a hub of research collaborations;
-    Identify possible network specificities and/or collaboration rationales in the case of pan-European RIs, including possible ramifications corresponding to given scientific domains.

News and events

EvaRIO Final Conference - Oct 9, 2013

We are happy to announce our wrapping up conference which will take place on 16th-17th October 2013.

The project is now coming to an end and we are convening a final meeting in Strasbourg, in order to present the results of the study to representatives of research infrastructures,...
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Launch of EvaRIO website - Sep 9, 2011

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