The Project

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The Project

Considering the amount of resources invested in RIs, an evaluation of their direct and indirect impacts is needed to support policy decisions. EvaRIO aims at developing an evaluation method well suited to RIs by exploring and taking into account their particular role in a new environment based on open innovation and research systems.

The project will primarily adapt the so-called Beta approach of evaluation to the case of the RIs, an approach used so far for ex post evaluations of the economic impacts of a large variety of RD programmes. The adaptation will be carried out in connection with in-depth investigations of the evolution of RIs and the research networks around them. The underlying idea is that S&T knowledge creation in general and knowledge creation through RIs in particular result from a cumulative and interactive learning process.

More precisely the project will:
- Map the effects generated by RIs, including enrichment and network effects linked to an open innovation and research perspective
- Develop methods and indicators for evaluating some of these effects
- Provide 4 complementary analyses (called "Focus Studies") related to the role and impact of RIs in open innovation and research systems, connected to their evolution and networking properties: (i) open source knowledge creation through RI; (ii) flexibility of RIs via real option; (iii) RD networks; (iv) impact on regional creativity
- Carry out 4 RI case studies via interviews to assess the validity of the mapping in various contexts, the feasibility of the evaluation method, and bring the relevant facts to feed the Focus Studies.

By developing methods and indicators to identify and measure economic impacts of RIs, EvaRIO should provide guidelines for policy makers to optimize the resources dedicated to RIs. This study, especially through targeted dissemination actions, should also improve the understanding of the conditions of knowledge creation through RIs, in particular their ability to foster collaborations and creativity.

News and events

EvaRIO Final Conference - Oct 9, 2013

We are happy to announce our wrapping up conference which will take place on 16th-17th October 2013.

The project is now coming to an end and we are convening a final meeting in Strasbourg, in order to present the results of the study to representatives of research infrastructures,...
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Launch of EvaRIO website - Sep 9, 2011

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